Lenore Borja

Hi, I’m Lenore. I used to be an actor, spending most of my time auditioning and honing my craft. Writing detailed backstories for my characters was a crucial part of my preparation and invaluable for character development.

Eventually, I transitioned from acting to the corporate world, but my love for storytelling never waned. It took a few years (okay, more than a few!), but I found my way back. Now, instead of bringing one character to life on the stage, I have the privilege of bringing many to life on the page. And sharing their stories with you is the best gig I’ve ever booked.

A few boring facts about me (because my characters are way more interesting):

  • Birthplace: Kankakee, IL (though I mainly grew up in Phoenix, AZ)

  • Favorite Book: Not possible to answer, but if my cat’s life were on the line, then I’d probably say Jane Eyre

  • Favorite Movie: No. Can’t do it.

  • Favorite Series: Tie between Lost and Friday Night Lights

  • Animal Familiar: Cat, obviously

  • Zodiac Sign: Gemini

  • Most embarrassing moment: Listing these factoids

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